The Free Cooking Guide Is Here!

Ladies, the free cooking guide is finally here!

For several years women have asked me how I learned to cook. They say things like “I wish I enjoyed cooking the way you do” or “I wish I was a good cook, but I’m terrible at it.”

It breaks my heart to hear these things because I used to be the same way. I used to think either you were born with certain skills or you weren’t. Some women are good cooks and some simply are not.

…but that simply is not true! You absolutely can learn how to cook well and to enjoy the process.

This guide is, of course, for women who desire to cook for one reason or another. We actually discuss a few reasons you may want to consider improving your cooking skills in the guide. A big reason many homemakers find themselves cooking day in and day out is because they are living on one income and cannot afford to feed their families with takeout or other convenience foods.

This isn’t something to be ashamed of. Take pride in it! Use it as a wonderful way to bless your family, budget and health all in one!

My hope is this cooking guide sparks some newfound joy in the kitchen for you!

Some days it is difficult to feel like we are doing important work by simply putting food on the table.

The world says things like “Order takeout or pay a chef so you can do something more important!” Remember, God is glorified in these seemingly mundane tasks! These acts are highly valued in His eyes.

This blog is all about being content and fulfilled at home. Making drastic changes to your life as a homemaker often aren’t feasible or even necessary. Small shifts in your mindset can go a very long way — something we discuss more in the guide.

I hope this guide serves you and your family well! Subscribe below for instant access! Happy homemaking!

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