5 Simple Ways to Become a More Efficient Homemaker

Efficiency is an excellent goal to strive for as a homemaker. Think of your home like a well-oiled machine or successful business that is seemingly self-sufficient. This is important to keep in mind while raising babies — you will want to slowly give them more responsibilities to help out with the housekeeping, too!

The best way to get started automating housekeeping duties is to implement small systems within your home. 

This is really just another word for habits or routines. Try and keep them simple to ensure you actually stick with them! Also, know that it will be tough in the beginning to create new systems, but eventually it will be like brushing your teeth and you will face little to no resistance. 

Here are a few systems you can implement to keep your housework running smoothly:

One Load of Laundry a Day

Most people hate doing laundry so they continuously put it off. This only perpetuates the problem as you are eventually faced with two or more hours of folding a Mt. Everest of laundry!

Commit to one, cheerful load per day!

Begin your day with laundry or at least make it a part of your morning routine. Wake up, make the bed, and put a load in the washer! It is important to attach this to another established habit — so you will not forget and it will soon become automatic.

Get it done early and enjoy the rest of your day laundry-free! 

Clean the Shower While Showering

Stop letting your shower/tub turn pink with grime before sitting down to scrub it clean for hours or turn to harsh chemicals. Keep some basic dish soap, a toothbrush, squeegee and tile brush in the shower at all times. A few nights a week at the end of your shower, pick a small spot to work on and scrub for a few minutes. It is a great excuse to stay warm in the shower for a few more minutes, and the task is broken into smaller chunks so you are not overwhelmed.

Always Be Guest-Ready

Try to have the house “guest-ready” at all times. This means if someone were to pop-in, you wouldn’t feel utterly embarrassed at the state of your home or feel the need to apologize for the mess.

Of course this isn’t entirely possible depending on the stage of life you are in; But if you have a few minutes throughout the day, ask yourself what you can do to make the house guest-ready. This mostly involves picking up clutter, making beds, and making sure it smells nice in the house!

Set Up For the Day

Treat your homemaking like a business. Have a few ‘opening duties’ to complete each day. These are a few things you can do before the baby wakes up to feel more prepared for the day. You are setting up your day for success.

This could be making your bed and unloading the dishwasher. Making the bed is more of a mental preparation for the day; And unloading the dishwasher usually means you are far more likely to keep the kitchen clean throughout the day because you can easily put dirty dishes in there as needed.

Close Up Shop

Similarly, have a few non-negotiable closing duties.

Put the kitchen to bed every night — dishes done, counters cleaned, and floor swept. You do not want to start off the next day behind from yesterday’s work!

Another idea is to pick up all the clutter; Or as much as you can in 15 minutes!

Hopefully these systems help you keep your housework in check somewhat mindlessly! Happy homemaking!